Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
After upgrade to sles10sp4+oes2sp3+latest patches (october update), when accessing the iprint manager configuration or driver store, an error is displayed.
The error is appearing if you access iManager, iPrint, manager print manager, select the print manager and then error appears:
Exception reading manager information Close
Error Request (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x500)
IPP Error: 0x500 .
imanager in debug mode shows a generic error:
11/21/12 [13:32:59.122] AuthenticatorServl..176 >>>124-------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/21/12 [13:32:59.122] AuthenticatorServl..773 /nps/servlet/webacc
?bookId=iPrintX.Manage iPrint Manager
11/21/12 [13:34:29.348] PropertyBook.......1582 Request (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x500)<BR>IPP Error: 0x500
11/21/12 [13:34:29.348] PropertyBook.......1582
com.novell.emframe.dev.PageException: Request (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x500)
IPP Error: 0x500
at com.novell.admin.iPrint.iPrintUtil.processExceptionWithTitle(Unknown Source)
The apache2 error log shows a generic error:
Wed Nov 21 10:55:35 2012] [warn] mod_ipp: Error returned: 0x001
[Wed Nov 21 10:55:35 2012] [warn] IPP Operation error=SRVR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERR, operation=Service Request
But print manager and driver store are up and running fine so printing works. The only symptom is that the Print Manager cannot be managed via iManager.
The error is appearing if you access iManager, iPrint, manager print manager, select the print manager and then error appears:
Exception reading manager information Close
Error Request (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x500)
IPP Error: 0x500 .
imanager in debug mode shows a generic error:
11/21/12 [13:32:59.122] AuthenticatorServl..176 >>>124-------------------------------------------------------------------------
11/21/12 [13:32:59.122] AuthenticatorServl..773 /nps/servlet/webacc
?bookId=iPrintX.Manage iPrint Manager
11/21/12 [13:34:29.348] PropertyBook.......1582 Request (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x500)<BR>IPP Error: 0x500
11/21/12 [13:34:29.348] PropertyBook.......1582
com.novell.emframe.dev.PageException: Request (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x500)
IPP Error: 0x500
at com.novell.admin.iPrint.iPrintUtil.processExceptionWithTitle(Unknown Source)
The apache2 error log shows a generic error:
Wed Nov 21 10:55:35 2012] [warn] mod_ipp: Error returned: 0x001
[Wed Nov 21 10:55:35 2012] [warn] IPP Operation error=SRVR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERR, operation=Service Request
But print manager and driver store are up and running fine so printing works. The only symptom is that the Print Manager cannot be managed via iManager.
Correct the ownership and/or permission for /opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprintcnfg
The following commands will resolve the above issue:
Checking permissions and ownerships - using the permissions files
setting /opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprintcnfg to root:www 4750. (wrong owner/group root:root)
The following commands will resolve the above issue:
chown root.www /opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprintcnfgAlternatively, you can run SuseConfig to correct the owner and permissions.
chmod 4750 /opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprintcnfg
Checking permissions and ownerships - using the permissions files
setting /opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprintcnfg to root:www 4750. (wrong owner/group root:root)
setting apache2 in debug mode, showed:
[Mon Nov 26 13:36:31 2012] [warn] mod_ipp: Error returned: 0x001
[Mon Nov 26 13:36:31 2012] [debug] reqhndl.c(648): ParseAndProcessIPPRequest : Processed request with status 1280
[Mon Nov 26 13:36:31 2012] [debug] reqhndl.c(694): ParseAndProcessIPPRequest : Sending response
[Mon Nov 26 13:36:31 2012] [warn] IPP Operation error=SRVR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERR, operation=Service Request
That information was pointing to a problem with the iprintcnfg file. Reviewing the file, the wrong ownership was shown:
-rwsr-x--- 1 root root 17312 Sep 4 23:26 iprintcnfg
The correct one should be root:www.
[Mon Nov 26 13:36:31 2012] [warn] mod_ipp: Error returned: 0x001
[Mon Nov 26 13:36:31 2012] [debug] reqhndl.c(648): ParseAndProcessIPPRequest : Processed request with status 1280
[Mon Nov 26 13:36:31 2012] [debug] reqhndl.c(694): ParseAndProcessIPPRequest : Sending response
[Mon Nov 26 13:36:31 2012] [warn] IPP Operation error=SRVR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERR, operation=Service Request
That information was pointing to a problem with the iprintcnfg file. Reviewing the file, the wrong ownership was shown:
-rwsr-x--- 1 root root 17312 Sep 4 23:26 iprintcnfg
The correct one should be root:www.