NetIQ VigilEnt Policy Center 5.6 SP3
NetIQ VigilEnt Policy Center 5.6 SP4
Sun Java 7 Update 5 thru Sun Java 7 Update 7
After installing VPC 5.6 SP3 or VPC 5.6 SP4 and then installing Java 7 the Vigilent Policy Service fails to start.
If you are running VPC 5.6 SP3 and Java 7 and the VPC Service fails to start, you should install VPC 5.6 SP4 or later.
If you are running VPC 5.6 SP4 or later and then install Java 7 and the VPC Service fails to start, you will need to do the following:
1. Copy the msvcr100.dll file FROM the <path to Java 7 Program Files>\Bin folder TO the <path to VPC Program Files>\Server\Bin folder.
2. Start the VPC Service.
There are known compatiblity issues between Java 7 and Apache Tomcat 5.5 Server. VPC uses Tomcat for the web server to host the VPC User and Admin sites.
Additional Information
This issue does not occur on Windows Server 2012, and VPC 5.6 SP4.