Note: Make sure to change from root to novell user on any steps where this action is requested. Not doing so can result in permission issues on the Sentinel appliance
To add a new partition
1. First calculate the size of the partition needed.
If the event per second (EPS) is 500 use the formula below.
{average byte size per event 1000} x {number of days 30} x {events per second 500} x 0.00008 = Total GB storage required
Note: Operational EPS rate for your sentinel installation can be found in the Sentinel console\about\license.
2. Run fdisk –l and make note of the current drive space and partitioning.
3. Add drive space to the VM by going into the settings of the VM. Change the provisioned size of the virtual disk to the required size.
4. Now go to a command line and run fdisk –l to confirm if the OS can see the additional space.
Note: If the OS does not see the additional space, reboot the VM and check again.
5. Log into the Sentinel box as root.
6. Run the following command to stop Sentinel on the appliance /etc/init.d/sentinel stop
7. Create a temp directory where you can temporarily move the contents of the /var/opt/novell/sentinel directory.
Note: To create a temp directory use the command mkdir temp to create the directory. E.g. /var/opt/novell> mkdir temp
8. If you created the temp directory using the root user, change the owner to novell by going into the parent directory and typing chown novell:novell temp E.g. /var/opt/novell>chown novell:novell temp
9. Type the ll command to confirm that novell is the owner of the temp directory. E.g. /var/opt/novell/temp>ll
10. Specify the following command to change to Novell user: su novell
11. Move the contents of the directory /var/opt/novell/sentinel to a tempory location. E.g. /var/opt/novell/sentinel > mv * /var/opt/novell/temp
Note: If the contents of /var/opt/novell/sentinel are moved using an account other than novell there will be permissions issues when searching for data, as well as other permissions related problems.
Note: To confirm that everything was moved to and from the correct directory type ls to list the contents of the temp directory and type ls again in the sentinel directory to confirm that it is empty.
12. If the old Sentinel directory is empty, delete it by going to its parent directory and typing rm sentinel, type ls to confirm that it was removed.
13. Specify the following command to change to root user: su root
14. Use yast to partition the new drive space: type yast and hit enter. This should open the yast console in the command window.
15. In the yast console use the arrow keys to go to system\partitioner, hit enter.
16. Read the informational box, tab to yes, click enter to continue.
17. The next window is the expert partitioner screen. Tab until system view is highlighted.
18. Hit the down arrow to highlight the Hard Disks, then hit the space bar to expand.
19. Hit the down arrow again to highlight the sda drive, than hit the space bar to expand.
20. Press enter to select sda.
21. Now there should be some additional options available. With the sda drive hightlighted, use the tab key to highlight the add option and press enter.
22. Choose to create a primary partition and type in the new mount path as /var/opt/novell/sentinel
Note: Ext3 should be the file system specified for the primary partition.
23. Click finish and verify the volume has been created, click next to see the formatting window.
24. Click finish and wait for the formatting to complete.
25. Exit out of yast
26. Specify the following command to change to Novell user: su novell
27. Move the contents of the sentinel directory that was saved in the temporary location to the directory in the newly mounted location. E.g. /Var/opt/temp > mv * /var/opt/novell/sentinel
Note: To confirm that everything was moved to and from the correct directory type ls to list the contents of the temp directory to confirm that it is empty and type ls again in the sentinel directory to confirm the files were moved.
28. Specify the following command to change to root user: su root
29. Run the following command to restart the sentinel appliance. /etc/init.d/sentinel start
30. After Sentinel is fully started go into the Sentinel web UI to confirm if the storage settings have changed.
The was not enough space allocated when sentinel was initially installed or the user simply wants to move Sentinel to a different partition.