error: %postun(novell-Sentineldb-SLES- scriptlet failed, exit status 1
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i] (a): r
Installing: novell-Sentineldb-SLES- [done]
Additional rpm output:
Sentinel Configuration
A list of questions will now be presented.
Your answers to these questions will be used to configure Sentinel for this
1. Standard configuration
2. Custom configuration
Select the configuration method [1] => 2
1. Use a default 90-day evaluation license key
2. Enter a purchased license key for Sentinel
3. Keep the currently installed license
Select a license method [3] => 3
The "admin" user is the identity used for initial and subsequent administration
tasks through the Sentinel user interface, including the creation of other user
User "admin" has an existing password.
1. Keep the existing password
2. Enter a new password
Select what you want to do [1] => 1
The "dbauser" user is the identity used by Sentinel configuration commands to
interact with the database. The password you enter here can be used to perform
database maintenance tasks, including resetting the "admin" password if the
"admin" password is forgotten or lost.
User "dbauser" has an existing password.
1. Keep the existing password
2. Enter a new password
Select what you want to do [1] => 2
Enter the password for dbauser... => NewPassword
Confirm the password for dbauser: => NewPassword
The "appuser" user is an internal identity used by Sentinel Java process to
establish connection and interact with the database. The password you enter
here can be used by Sentinel Java process to perform database tasks.
User "appuser" has an existing password.
1. Keep the existing password
2. Enter a new password
Select what you want to do [1] => 1
The following menu allows you to change port assignments for Sentinel services.
1. Web Server (8443)
2. Java Message Service (61616)
3. Client Proxy Service (10013, 10014)
4. Database Service (5432)
5. Security Intelligence Database Service (27017)
6. Java Management Extensions (1099, 2000)
7. Done
Select a Sentinel service, or select 'Done' [7] => 7
external LDAP directory. The choices presented below allow you to select the
authentication method.
1. Modify to use database authentication only
2. Use the existing LDAP authentication configuration
3. Edit the existing LDAP authentication configuration
Specify what you would like to do [2] => 2
Stopped Sentinel.
Starting Sentinel...
Waiting for the Security Intelligence database to start...
Sentinel is running.
To begin using Sentinel, direct your Web browser to:
Login parameters are:
Username: admin
Password: <Use the password you entered above>
This URL will be available after the server starts. This might take a few
To determine if the server is ready for connections, use the following command:
netstat -an | grep 'LISTEN ' | grep 8443
Sentinel configuration is complete.