Apache fails to start after upgrading from 3.2 IR1 to 3.2 SP1 build

  • 7011327
  • 08-Nov-2012
  • 10-Jan-2013


NetIQ Access Manager 3.2
NetIQ Access Manager 3.2 Linux Access Gateway Appliance
NetIQ Access Manager 3.2 Interim Release 1 applied
3rd party certificate assigned to Proxy services


Access Manager 3.2 setup and working fine with Interim Release 1 patch level. When upgrading to 3.2 SP1, the Admin Console and Identity Server upgrades went through fine and access to the services was possible. However, after upgrading the Access Gateway Appliance, access to any of the proxy services would fail as the Apache proxy failed to start properly. The Admin Console health check would report that the services failed to start and included the following message:

""Cannot load /opt/novell/ag/lib/mod_agmon.so into server: /opt/novell/ag/lib/mod_agmon.so: undefined symbol: ap_compute_peakRequestsPSec"


Re-apply the Access Gateway patch.


The undefined symbol  "ap_compute_peakRequestsPSec" is used by the Apache HTTPD and referenced on the mod_agmon library. The mod_agmon did show the variable as existing (grep output confirmed this) but the Apache failed to load it. By reinstalling the novell-apache2 rpm successfully, the dependency issue went away.

The Appliance had some 3rd party monitoring software running and may have caused the upgrade issue.

NOTE:  In order to re-apply ma_upgrade.sh, you'll need to remark out the line that calls the "checkVersion" function.  This is on line 55 in 3.2.1 ma_upgrade.sh scriptJust put a "#" in front of it.

 54     checkInstall
 55 #   checkVersion
 56     backup_prompt "novell-nesp-server" "/opt/novell/nam/mag/webapps/nesp/jsp    /" "https://www.netiq.com/documentation/novellaccessmanager32/mig_upgrade/?p    age=/documentation/novellaccessmanager32/mig_upgrade/data/bzevr94.html"