SSPR - "error occurred while unlocking your account"

  • 7011267
  • 26-Oct-2012
  • 21-Apr-2016


Self Service Password Reset
SSPR 2.0


The following error is returned after changing password in SSPR:
An error occurred while unlocking your account. Please contact your administrator. {5046 ERROR_UNLOCK_FAILURE (unable to unlock user <name> error: error writing to lockedByIntruder: [LDAP: error code 16 - NDS error: no such value (-602)]) }

Intruder Lockout is not set for the user in eDirectory.


Make sure the pwmproxy user has modify rights to the following attributes:

Additional Information

Rights can be granted manually, or by re-running the edirectory-rights.ldif file after appending the following: 
# Grant rights to the users container for the proxy user
dn: ou=USERS,o=O
changetype: modify
add: ACL
ACL: 7#subtree#cn=PwmProxy,ou=OU,o=O#lockedByIntruder
# Grant rights to the users container for the proxy user
dn: ou=USERS,o=O
changetype: modify
add: ACL
ACL: 7#subtree#cn=PwmProxy,ou=OU,o=O#loginIntruderResetTime

# Grant rights to the users container for the proxy user
dn: ou=USERS,o=O
changetype: modify
add: ACL
ACL: 7#subtree#cn=PwmProxy,ou=OU,o=O#loginIntruderAttempts