NetIQ Access Governance Suite
This knowledge base article will help you to troubleshoot if you are facing issues while starting connector gateway services on windows or having issues CG connecting to Agents / Connector Manager.
- Connector Manager on Windows system needs java 32 bit as pre-request. This is only for the component connectorgateway.exe to start the connector gateway services, as this exe is 32 bit.
- If we don't have 32 bit version of java then you can also start the connector manager using below command.
Java -jar connectorgateway.jar
- If you are facing any issue while starting the connector gateway services then make sure you are at least able to start the CG with above java command.
- When you install CG as services, we need to provide the location of JDK_HOME. This should be 32 bit only. After installation also CG will only refers to the location of java which was provided while installation. Hence make sure we are not deleting / renamed / moving the JDK_HOME installed for CG. Even if we set JAVA_HOME or adding the JAVA_HOME/bin to PATH as environment variable, CG will only pick the JDK_HOME which was provided on install.bat while installation.
- To confirm the version / architecture of java installed for CG, please open install.bat, navigate the variable JDK_HOME, run command "java -version" it prints 64bit if its 64 bit and does not print the version if it is 32 bit.
- If you start the connector gateway services successfully, then please check the logs whether CG is able to connect successfully to CM/Agent. We need to check the log file connector_gateway.log for below trace.
INFO main - 2012/04/05 09:06:05 Connected to Connector Manager/Agents.
INFO main - 2012/04/05 09:06:05 Connector Gateway initialized successfully.
If there are any issues CG connecting to CM, then we expect below trace.
INFO main - 2012/04/05 09:05:31 Failed to connect to Connector Manager/Agents. Error- Connection refused: connect
INFO main - 2012/04/05 09:05:31 Possible cause: Connector Manager/Agents is down.
INFO main - 2012/04/05 09:05:31 Retrying...
- For sucessful communication make sure our configuration file init.xml has all parameters set correctly. We can configure the variable <hostname> with Ipaddress as well if we have issues with DNS. Please make sure we are providing the string MAINFRAME if the agent is running on mainframe.
- For connectivity issues, from CG machine please try telnet to CM/Agent port, for example below.
>telnet AgentHostName 2470