We are facing below error when running pre-script on SM.
2010/05/11 10:02:02 CTS1041S R File error: <PP_file_to_addinfo> failed on open file <C:\PROGRA~1\sailpoint\idm\ConnectorManager\Instance_1\script\ADDUS_3056.TMP> with message: <No such file or directory>
2010/05/11 10:02:02 CTS1433I R Pre-script failed with rc=<UNKNOWN RC!!>
Please set the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation on registry to 0. Remove all directories and reinstall the SM to resolve the issue. We have indentified this as an enhancement required on the Connector Manager.
The root cause of the issue is space on the URL of script where its placed.
For example on below URL space exits between "Connector Manager"
C:\NetIQ\CM6Win32\Connector Manager\CMInstance_1\script
As a workaround, please copy the script folder to below location.
Change the location of script SCRIPT_DIR on MSCSPARM accordingly.