It is possible to edit the UIConfig object in Access Governance Suite to change what columns are visible in the UI under Define > Identities
The UIConfig entry that controls the columns visible in Define > Identities is:
<entry key="identityTableColumns">
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="id" fieldOnly="true" property="id" sortProperty="id"/>
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="name" headerKey="att_user_name" hideable="true"
property="name" sortProperty="name" sortable="true"/>
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="firstname" headerKey="att_first_name" hideable="true"
property="firstname" sortProperty="firstname" sortable="true"/>
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="lastname" headerKey="att_last_name" hideable="true"
property="lastname" sortProperty="lastname" sortable="true"/>
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="manager-displayName" headerKey="idents_grid_hdr_manager"
hideable="true" property="manager.displayName" sortProperty="manager.displayName" sortable="true"/>
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="assignedRoleSummary"
headerKey="att_assigned_role_summary" hideable="true" property="assignedRoleSummary"
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="bundleSummary" headerKey="att_detected_role_summary"
hideable="true" property="bundleSummary" sortProperty="bundleSummary"/>
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="scorecard-compositeScore"
headerKey="att_composite_score" hideable="true" property="scorecard.compositeScore"
renderer="NetIQ.Define.Grid.Identity.renderScore" sortProperty="scorecard.compositeScore"
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="lastRefresh" dateStyle="short"
headerKey="att_last_refresh" hideable="true" property="lastRefresh" sortProperty="lastRefresh"
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="managerStatus" fieldOnly="true" property="managerStatus"
In our case, let's say we want to add two new columns. One for an identity attribute called "status" and another that shows whether an identity is correlated or not (a correlated identity is one that was loaded from an authoritative source.)
You can add these two column config items to your identityTableColumns object to effect this:
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="status" headerKey="Status" hideable="true"
property="status" sortProperty="status" sortable="true"/>
<ColumnConfig dataIndex="correlated" headerKey="Authoritative?" hideable="true"
property="correlated" sortProperty="correlated" sortable="true"/>
headerKey - will be the header string that's displayed at the top of the identity table view in the UI.
hideable - indicates whether the user can hide this column or not using the controls in the UI.
property - indicates the property that contains the value you want to display. For identity attributes, this will be the identity attribute name (as defined in your Identity Mappings.)
sortProperty - indicates the property to use to sort this column
sortable - indicates whether this field is sortable using the controls in the UI.
You can edit UIConfig through the Debug Page or by merging the new columns into the UIConfig.