Where can I find Examples of Code to use with Access Governance Suite?

  • 7011225
  • 06-Dec-2011
  • 19-Oct-2012


Many times people want to use code that they know must exist somewhere within Access Governance Suite, yet finding the code may be a mystery at first. THe code is not hideen, but if you do not know where to look, it may appear to be so. For that reason, this hint article has been created to assist you in locating code snippets that are very useful indeed.

If you are tttrying to write your first Rule or Workflow or other bits of code, and have never seen an example, writing code or even starting could be very intimidating. However, Access Governance Suite makes this task less so, as NetIQ provides many examples for you. If you are familiar with the Access Governance Suite nomenclature, you are familiar with the term $SPHOME, the install directory of Access Governance Suite.

In order to find code examples, simply browse to:


and you will find several example*.xml files that can assist you in creating objects and determining how things work under the hood, or how to build a an object to perform certain actions within Access Governance Suite. Below is a list of items within Access Governance Suite 5.2:


You may have noticed that one of those items did not fit the "example*.xml" rule, but it is important if you want to configure your own custom email templates as well. All are readily available to anyone who has an installation of Access Governance Suite. All you need is the knowledge to parse the items and understand the code presented therein. Each is written as an XML object that is then persisted into the database for Access Governance Suite.

Do hope this helps you locate those code samples and snippets when searching for examples of Rules, Workflows, Scoring, EmailTemplates or even the special Sun IDM connector use case. Happy coding and remember you can always reach out to our support staff  for questions or expert services for more assistance as required.