IIQ ships with the 1.2 driver version to a MS-SQL RDBMS. While this driver provides stable functionality, yet MS offers later versions with improvements. For example, error 3971 appears in MSDN documentation without any explanation/remedy. A later MS-SQL driver could address this error (and other issues):
The following steps outline replacing Access Governance Suite's JDBC driver with MS-SQL's latest driver:
0) download MS-SQL JDBC driver (to match JDK env)
sqljdbc.jar (version 3) runs only with JVM 1.5
sqljdbc4.jar (version 4) runs only with JVM 1.6
1) review Access Governance Suite class path directories to check/to remove MS-SQL driver jar file(s)
2) remove SQLServer driver from Access Governance Suite dir (WEB-INF/lib/sqljdbc-1.2.jar)
3) copy Microsoft driver into Access Governance Suite class path (WEB-INF/lib/sqljdbc.jar)