The labels shown for the task Options on the Edit Task window (accessible by clicking Monitor> Tasks and editing a task or creating a new task) each correspond to an Input Argument in the TaskDefinition XML for that task. They are mapped to each other through an Access Governance Suite Message Key, used as the Argument's <Prompt> in the XML. This table cross-references the UI Label for the option to its corresponding XML Input Argument via their connecting Message Key for some of the most commonly used Access Governance Suite Tasks.
Task | UI Option Label | XML Input Argument | Message Key |
Account Aggregation | Select applications to scan | applications | task_in_account_aggregation_applications |
Optionally select a rule to assign capabilities or perform other processing on new identities | creationRule | task_in_account_aggregation_creation_rule | |
Refresh assigned and detected roles | correlateEntitlements | task_in_account_aggregation_correlate_entitlements | |
Check active policies | checkPolicies | task_in_account_aggregation_check_policies | |
Refresh the identity risk scorecards | refreshScorecards | task_in_account_aggregation_refresh_scorecard | |
Maintain identity histories | checkHistory | task_in_account_aggregation_check_history | |
Detect deleted accounts | checkDeleted | task_in_account_aggregation_check_deleted | |
Refresh assigned scope | correlateScope | task_in_account_aggregation_correlate_scope | |
Disable auto creation of scopes | noAutoCreateScopes | task_in_account_aggregation_no_auto_create_scopes | |
Refresh continuous certifications | refreshCertifications | task_in_account_aggregation_refresh_certifications | |
Optimize reaggregation of unchanged accounts | optimizeReaggregation | task_in_account_aggregation_optimize_reagg | |
Promote managed entitlements | promoteManagedAttributes | task_in_account_aggregation_promote_managed_attributes | |
Automatically create applications | autoCreateApplications | task_in_account_aggregation_auto_create_applications | |
Actions to include in the task result | logAllowedActions | task_in_account_aggregation_log_allowed_actions | |
Account Group Aggregation | Select applications to scan | applications | task_in_account_group_aggregation_applications |
Detect deleted account groups | checkDeleted | task_in_account_aggregation_check_deleted_acct_groups | |
Group account attribute | groupAttribute | task_in_account_group_aggregation_group_attribute | |
Create missing managed entitlements | promoteManagedAttributes | task_in_account_group_aggregation_create_missing_managed_entitlements | |
Refresh managed entitlements | refreshManagedAttributes | task_in_account_group_aggregation_refresh_managed_entitlements | |
Identity Refresh | Optional filter string to constrain the identities refreshed. Example: Department == "Finance" | filter | task_in_identity_refresh_filter |
Optional list of group or population names to constrain the identities refreshed. | filterGroups | task_in_identity_refresh_filter_groups | |
Refresh identities whose last refresh date is before this date | thresholdDate | task_in_identity_refresh_threshold | |
Refresh identities whose last refresh date is at least this number of hours ago | excludeWindow | task_in_identity_refresh_exclude_window | |
Refresh identities whose last refresh date is within this number of hours | includeWindow | task_in_identity_refresh_include_window | |
Include modified identities in the refresh window | includeWindowModified | task_in_identity_refresh_include_modified | |
Refresh all application account attributes | refreshLinks | task_in_identity_refresh_refresh_links | |
Refresh identity attributes | promoteAttributes | task_in_identity_refresh_promote_attributes | |
Refresh manager status | refreshManagerStatus | task_in_identity_refresh_refresh_manager_status | |
Refresh assigned, detected roles and promote additional entitlements | correlateEntitlements | task_in_identity_refresh_correlate_entitlements | |
Provision assigned roles | provision | task_in_identity_refresh_provision | |
Disable deprovisioning of deassigned roles | noRoleDeprovisioning | task_in_identity_refresh_no_role_deprovision | |
Refresh role metadata for each identity | refreshRoleMetadata | task_in_identity_refresh_refresh_role_metadata | |
Refresh the identity risk scorecards | refreshScorecard | task_in_identity_refresh_refresh_scorecard | |
Maintain identity histories | checkHistory | task_in_identity_refresh_check_history | |
Refresh the group scorecards | refreshGroups | task_in_identity_refresh_refresh_groups | |
Check active policies | checkPolicies | task_in_account_aggregation_check_policies | |
Keep previous violations | keepInactiveViolations | task_in_identity_refresh_keep_inactive_violations | |
A comma separated list of specific policy names. When set this overrides the default policies. | policies | task_in_identity_refresh_policies | |
Refresh assigned scope | correlateScope | task_in_identity_refresh_correlate_scope | |
Disable auto creation of scopes | noAutoCreateScopes | task_in_identity_refresh_no_auto_create_scopes | |
Mark dormant scopes after refresh | markDormantScopes | task_in_identity_refresh_mark_dormant_scopes | |
Refresh continuous certifications | refreshCertifications | task_in_identity_refresh_refresh_certifications | |
Process events | processTriggers | task_in_identity_refresh_process_triggers | |
Refresh logical application links | refreshCompositeApplications | task_in_account_aggregation_refresh_composite_apps | |
Promote managed entitlements | promoteManagedAttributes | task_in_identity_refresh_promote_managed_attributes | |
Number of Refresh Threads | refreshThreads | task_in_identity_refresh_threads | |
Always launch the workflow (even if the usual triggers don't apply) | forceWorkflow | task_in_identity_refresh_force_workflow | |
Enable the generation of work items for unmanaged parts of the provisioning plan | doManualActions | task_in_identity_refresh_do_manual_actions | |
Perform Maintenance | Prune identity snapshots | pruneHistory | task_in_perform_maintenance_prune_history |
Prune task results | pruneTaskResults | task_in_perform_maintenance_prune_task_results | |
Prune requests | pruneRequests | task_in_perform_maintenance_prune_requests | |
Archive and prune certifications | pruneCertifications | task_in_perform_maintenance_prune_certifications | |
Automatically close certifications | automaticallyCloseCertifications | task_in_perform_maintenance_automatically_close_certifications | |
Finish certifications | finishCertifications | task_in_perform_maintenance_finish_certifications | |
Number of finisher threads | finisherThreads | task_in_perform_maintenance_certification_finisher_threads | |
Transition certifications phases | phaseCertifications | task_in_perform_maintenance_phase_certifications | |
Scan for completed revocations | scanRemediations | task_in_perform_maintenance_scan_remediations | |
Transition continuous certifications | transitionContinuousCertifications | task_in_perform_maintenance_transition_cont_certs | |
Forward inactive work items | forwardInactiveWorkItems | task_in_perform_maintenance_forward_inactive_work_items | |
Denormalize scopes | denormalizeScopes | task_in_perform_maintenance_denormalize_scopes |