Access Governance Suite is designed by default to be highly configurable and flexible, but there are some items which are not designed to be duplicated by default. One of those key items is described within the product's init.xml file - the Reserved Word. Reserved Words reflect items that may not have duplicate definitions within the configuration of the product or there will be conflicts and errors if you choose to ignore this warning and act as if the reserved words do not matter.
One such consequence is described here:
which will result in errors when running aggregations and reports and other rasks.
Access Governance Suite does describe the reserved words for you though, as an entry key within the init.xml file, whihc is located here:
beginning at around line 871 you will find this entry in that file:
<entry key='identityAttributesReservedWords' value='name, bundles, bundleSummary, exceptions, lastRefresh, lastLogin, capabilities,
scorecard.compositeScore, manager, email, firstname, lastname, inactive' />
which lists all of the single-use reserved words within the product. Re-use of these words will cause issues and you are hereby informed that this practice will not result in favourable outcomes.