I. Upgrading from 5.0x to 5.1x
Note: Upgrades should be attempted in a test environment prior to applying in production to ensure all steps and upgrade issues are resolved.
Below is a very simplified description of upgrading identityIQ. Your process may vary depending on how your deployment was designed, or what application server you are using. For example, you may have Partner or Sailpoint Services provided build scripts to build the latest product patch against your custom code and automatically deploy it for you. However, the basic operation below should remain the same.
Note: Read ALL appropriate README files, along with any product documentation that comes with the upgrade/patch you are installing before proceeding.
- Shutdown the 5.0x application server.
- Backup the identityiq/ directory (where the application is deployed under your application server).
- Backup the database.
- Delete everything under identityiq/.
- Download and uncompress it.
- Copy identityiq.war from the zip file into your identityiq/ directory (under your application server) and run "unjar -xvf identityiq.war".
- Go into identityiq/WEB-INF/classes and edit as needed for your database.
- Copy your database driver jar file into identityiq/WEB-INF/lib.
- Edit the identityiq/WEB-INF/database/upgrade_identityiq_tables.<your database type here> script as needed and execute it.
- OPTIONAL: if you are using data export, you need to edit the appropriate upgrade script in identityiq/WEB-INF/database/dataExport and execute it.
- Download identityiq-5.1a.jar and copy it into the identityiq/ directory, then run "unjar -xvf identityiq-5.1a.jar".
- Edit the identityiq/WEB-INF/database/upgrade_identityiq_tables-5.1a.<your database type here> script as needed and execute it.
- Go to the identityiq/WEB-INF/bin directory and execute "iiq upgrade > 51_upgrade_log.txt".
- Examine the 51_upgrade_log.txt file and make sure there are no errors before proceeding.
- Note:The following steps use 5.1p7 as an example.
- Download identityiq-5.1p7.jar, put it into your identityiq/ directory and run "unjar -xvf identityiq-5.1p7.jar".
- Edit the identityiq/WEB-INF/database/upgrade_identityiq_tables-5.1p7.<your database type here> script as needed and execute it.
- OPTIONAL: if you are using data export, you need to edit any appropriate patch script in identityiq/WEB-INF/database/dataExport and execute it.
- Go to the identityiq/WEB-INF/bin directory and execute "iiq patch 5.1p7 > 51p7_patch_log.txt".
- Examine the 51p7_patch_log.txt file and make sure there are no errors before proceeding.
- Merge any customizations into the new identityIQ files. Some examples of this might be:
1) In your 5.0x installation, you custom modified identityiq/certification/approvalPanel.xhtml
You do NOT want to copy this file back under identityiq/ but instead must hand merge your changes into the new 5.1x file.
2) In your 5.0x installation, you added some jar files for specific applications (such as PeopleSoft).
These need to be copied back under identityiq/WEB-INF/lib
3) In your 5.0x installation, you had some custom class files (ex: acme.task.CustomerCustomTask).
Ideally, you should locate the java source files and recompile them against the latest identityiq.war file.
These compiled class files need to be copied back under identityiq/WEB-INF/classes.
4) WARNING: Do NOT copy any Sailpoint efix classes back into the identityiq/WEB-INF/classes directory. Efixes are built for a specific release of identityIQ only.
5) See the 5.1 installation guide, Upgrade section (chapter 2), "Reapply Customization¦" section for more details before proceeding.
- Restart your application server and begin testing.
- If any problems occurred during your upgrade, you can restore your initial backups of the identityiq/ directory as well as your database backup, effectively putting you back to 5.0x condition, and begin the upgrade again.