When analyzing UI-related issues in Access Governance Suite, the "firebug" add-on proves very useful. However, this add-on works only on the Firefox browser. Many UI scenarios involve other browsers, notably Internet Explorer.
In most UI issues, IE defaults to a popup window with the "500" generic-type error. Obtain more details by disabling the "Friendly HTTP error messages" feature (tools - internet options - advanced). The full error msg and line number then displays. If more details are need for these scenarios, then there exists a (scaled-down) server-side script to assist in the UI inspection.
To install the "firebug-lite" script, follow these steps:
1) "Save Link As" the contents from this link to Access Governance Suite's "scripts" dir:
2) Modify the xhtml page at issue (eg, if viewing identity, then "define/identity/identity.xhtml" file) to call the script after the "link element. In tomcat, no rebooting is needed to run the script:
<link href="#{base.requestContextPath}/scripts/myfacescalendar/theme.css"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script type='text/javascript'
The "firebug-lite" script runs under IE browsers (and Firefox, if needed) with the same "Inspect" features as the full add-on. A few other options, are available (sorry no JavaScript debugging):