How to enable log4j tracing for Access Governance Suite or ITIM WAR apps under WebSphere

  • 7011115
  • 05-Apr-2011
  • 02-Nov-2012


NetIQ Access Governance Suite


How to enable log4j tracing for Access Governance Suite or ITIM WAR apps under WebSphere


These steps enable log4j tracing for Access Governance Suite or ITIM WAR apps in the WebSphere env.

1. Verify/Add "commons-logging.jar","log4j.jar" files in the WAR app's WEB-INF/lib directory

2. Verify/Add "commons-logging.jar","log4j.jar" entries in the MANIFEST.MF file
   (located in META-INF folder of WAR app)

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: commons-logging.jar

3. Verify/Add "META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory" file
   in the WAR app containing the single line:


4. Verify/Add "" file to the classpath (eg, WEB-INF/classes directory)

5. Install WAR app and set Application classloader to PARENT_LAST (not PARENT_FIRST)

Also, see the WebSphere logger URL: