You can delegate items from the certification list views, including the worksheet, and from the Certification Decisions tab.
Delegation can also be performed automatically based on rules specified when the certification request is generated. Items delegated automatically display within the certification report and behave exactly like item delegated manually.
Certification Delegation - Worksheet View
Perform delegation on individual items that make up the identity.
Required Authorization
You must be the owner or delegated approver of a certification to take action. You might be able to view another Access Governance Suite user's certifications, but they appear as read only.
- Access the worksheet from your Dashboard Inbox or Certifications page.
- Select the delegation icon from the list of options for each item.
Right click on any item to view its certification history, add comments, or display the Certification Decisions tab for the identity with which it is associated. - Enter the following information in the Delegate Certification pop-up dialog.
- Recipient - enter the full name of the approver to whom you are delegating this work item. Entering the first few letters of a name displays a pop-up menu of Access Governance Suite users with names containing that letter string.
- Description - a description of the work item being delegated. You can edit the description as required.
- Comment - (optional) any additional information needed for this delegation.
- Click Delegate to delegate the item and return to the worksheet. The Status column is updated with the Delegated status
Certification Delegation - List View
Performing delegations at the top level enables you to delegate numerous items without having to drill down and review each of their individual components.
Note: You cannot delegate account groups from the account group list.
Required Authorization
You must be the owner or delegated approver of a certification to take action. You might be able to view another Access Governance Suite user's certifications, but they appear as read only.
Note: When you delegate at this level you are also delegating all of the items that comprise the identity or role.
- Right-click on an item and select Delegate from the drop-down list.
- Enter the following information in the Delegate Certification pop-up dialog.
- Recipient - enter the full name of the approver to whom you are delegating this work item. Entering the first few letters of a name displays a pop-up menu of Access Governance Suite users with names containing that letter string.
- Description - a description of the work item being delegated. You can edit the description as required.-
- Comment - (optional) any additional information needed for this delegation.
- Click Delegate to delegate and return to the Certification Report page.The Status column is updated with the Delegated status.
Certification Delegation - Certification Decision Tab
Perform delegations on individual items that make up the identity, account group, or role.
Note: Line item delegation is only available if activated when Access Governance Suite is configured.
Required Authorization
You must be the owner or delegated approver of a certification to take action on the certification. You might be able to view another Access Governance Suite user's certifications, but they appear as read only.
- Click on an item in the worksheet or list view to display the Certification Report detailed information sections.
For identity-type certifications, these sections contain detailed information about the entitlements granted to the selected identity, the changes that have been made to the identity's information since the last certification, and a list of the identity attributes.
For account group certifications, these sections contain detailed information about permissions contained within an account group and the members of that group.
For role composition certifications, this section contains detailed information about roles and entitlements contained within the role and risk information about the role. - Select the Delegate icon from the list of options for each item.
- OR -
Click Delegate All at the top of the page to approve all non-violation items at once.
Click the icon to the left of an item to see its certification history or add a comment.
Click on highlighted information, such as a role or application name to view details on that item. - Enter the following information in the Delegate Certification pop-up dialog.
- Recipient - enter the full name of the approver to whom you are delegating this work item. Entering the first few letters of a name displays a pop-up menu of Access Governance Suite users with names containing that letter string.
- Description - a description of the work item being delegated. You can edit the description as required.
- Comment - (optional) any additional information needed for this delegation.
- Click Save when you have finished to return to the Certification Report list. The Percentage Complete bar and status column are updated to reflect the changes.