How can I Find Information On Empty Certifications

  • 7011095
  • 03-Apr-2011
  • 02-Nov-2012


NetIQ Access Governance Suite


Is there a way to find the original attributes on a certification that resulted in a "warning"?  I need to figure out why a certification didn't generate correctly and I need to find out the options that were selected when the certification was scheduled.


Answer: Yes

When the Certification is scheduled as run now , a Certification Definition object is created . When the Certification completes with warnings , then automatically the Certification Definition Object will be deleted. It is not possible to see the Certification Definition attributes once the object is deleted.

If you specify Certification Execution Frequency value as Hourly , Daily , Weekly etc. , then Certification Definition Object will not be deleted.You can check the <Attributes> tag to see the original attributes and the values that you specify. If the frequency is not specified , then the Certification Definition Object will be deleted.

The reason it gets persisted if the frequency is scheduled is because of it being a scheduled task and need to wake up again to run at the scheduled time.