AccountGroup member display customization

  • 7011004
  • 11-Apr-2011
  • 19-Oct-2012



We have many identites with more than one account on the same application and each account is a member of a particular account group.

When editing the account group in Access Governance Suite, the Members table does not show distinguished information for these multiple accounts. For example, I see the following:

John DoeJohnDoe
John DoeJohnDoe

I'd also like to see the native account identities for each of these entries.


  1. Go to the debug pages and click on the "UI Configuration" button.
  2. Search for the following text:
  3. Add a new column config like the following (I put this second in the list):
    <ColumnConfig dataIndex="nativeIdentity" headerKey="Account ID" hideable="true" property="nativeIdentity" sortProperty="nativeIdentity" sortable="true"/>
NameAccount IDFirstnameLastname
John DoejdoeJohnDoe
John Doejdoe_contractorJohnDoe