DSFW: Operation failed at line 1404: No such attribute

  • 7010996
  • 24-Oct-2012
  • 08-Nov-2012


Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES11)
Open Enterprise Server 11SP1 (OES11SP1)
Domain Services for Windows


While extending the domain boundary or samifying a partition using the domaincntrl tool  returns an error

Using the command domaincntrl --add returns
"Operation failed at line 1404: No such attribute"

Using the command domaincntrl --samify returns
"Operation failed at line 2136: Local error
The domainUpdateNow signal was not sent.  Samification may not happen.  Call samify or desamify operation."


This is a cosmetic error.

Reviewing all users in the partition added to the domain or samified reveled all objects are samified and all objects have a uniquedomainid.  The uniquedomainid is the attribute used to identify objects within a domain boundary.

An LDAP trace taken while running the domaincntrl tool will display the objects that were not able to add the samaccountname but did add unquedomainid.  The objects most likely will be NetWare licences.

Below is from the ldaptrace
138970896 LDAP: [2012/10/20 11:30:07.319] Sending operation result 16:"":"NDS
error: no such value (-602)" to connection 0xe410380
3943941904 LDAP: [2012/10/20 11:30:07.320] DoModify on connection 0xe410380
3943941904 LDAP: [2012/10/20 11:30:07.320] modify: dn
(nLSLicenseID=SN:101911311,nLSPublisher=Novell+nLSProduct=NetWare 6User+nLSVersion=600,ou=Atlanta,o=novell)

For more information on taking a LDAP trace follow TID 7009602 

To see all object with out a unquedomainid do the following command.  The output will be in the /tmp/uniquedomainid.txt

LDAPCONF=/etc/opt/novell/xad/openldap/ldap.conf /usr/bin/ldapsearch -Y EXTERNAL -LLL -Q -b "" -s sub '(!(uniquedomainid=*))' dn unquedomainid