Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Unable to Login to WebAdmin using Internet Explorer but Firefox and Chrome works
Unable to get to the WebAdmin Login page using IE
Microsoft has released an update to Windows that restricts the use of certificates with RSA keys less than 1024 bits in length. More information can be found at
The Default Certificate for WebAdmin is 512 bits. If the Default Certificate is being used for both Devices and WebAdmin, please follow the steps in the TID listed below to create a certificate with Key greater than 1024 bits and follow all the steps in the TID
If a Trusted Third Party Certificate is being used for Devices and the Key Length is greater than 1024 bits for the Trusted Third Party Certificate, please copy /var/lib/datasync/device/mobility.pem to /var/lib/datasync/webadmin/server.pem. Follow the steps in the Additional Notes to find out the Key Length of the Trusted Third Party Certificate being used for Devices
If a Trusted Third Party Certificate is being used for Mobility but the Key Length is 1024 bits or less, please follow the steps in the TID listed below to create a new certificate but do not follow Step 6 of the TID. Follow the steps in the Additional Notes to find out the Key Length of the Trused Third Party Certificate being used for Devices
If a Trusted Third Party Certificate is being used for Mobility but the Key Length is 1024 bits or less, please follow the steps in the TID listed below to create a new certificate but do not follow Step 6 of the TID. Follow the steps in the Additional Notes to find out the Key Length of the Trused Third Party Certificate being used for Devices
Additional Information
How to check the Key Length of the Certificate being used for Mobility
- Launch a browser and type http://www.digicert.com/help
Click Check Server
Check the Key Length