NetIQ Identity Manager
Novell Identity Manager 4.0
Novell Identity Manager Driver - Lotus Notes
The customer is using Roaming Users in Lotus Notes and is having problems
deleting the users, they get: "Unable to delete or inactivate the user 4003
Message::File does not exist" as error messages.
deleting the users, they get: "Unable to delete or inactivate the user 4003
Message::File does not exist" as error messages.
This is a known problem with Notes and we are waiting on Notes to fix the issue.
The Notes bug on this is covered by SPR RPEA8KJV53 / APAR LO62941.
Kindly refer to link below for more info:
When Lotus notes fixes that issue, the problem should resolve.
When Lotus notes fixes that issue, the problem should resolve.
The problem Users are added to Domino with "roaming-Option", this means that supplementary to the Users mailfile 5 "Roaming-Databases" are created.
The default names of these Databese are: names.nsf, bookmark.nsf, notebook.nsf, roamingdata.nsf and localfeedcontent.nsf. (in Dominoversion 8.5.x)
Within an add-command this works, also the names of the databases are not submitted to the driver-shim.
The deletion of an User in Notes results from a modify-event from idm.
The mailfiles are removed.
The problem comes with further actions as "Get Replica Information for Deletion", these are necessary to delete the roaming Databases.
Only 3 requests are produced, 2 of them are correct, concerning the names.nsf and bookmark.nsf
the 3rd request is for journal.nsf, but this filename was used in older Domino versions, now this file is named notebook.nsf
The remaining 2 databases are mentioned not at all.
Although the filenames of these databases are stored in Personrecord of the User in different fields, there is no lookup at these fields, but instead the files are hardcoded into the Notes API that has the problem.
The default names of these Databese are: names.nsf, bookmark.nsf, notebook.nsf, roamingdata.nsf and localfeedcontent.nsf. (in Dominoversion 8.5.x)
Within an add-command this works, also the names of the databases are not submitted to the driver-shim.
The deletion of an User in Notes results from a modify-event from idm.
The mailfiles are removed.
The problem comes with further actions as "Get Replica Information for Deletion", these are necessary to delete the roaming Databases.
Only 3 requests are produced, 2 of them are correct, concerning the names.nsf and bookmark.nsf
the 3rd request is for journal.nsf, but this filename was used in older Domino versions, now this file is named notebook.nsf
The remaining 2 databases are mentioned not at all.
Although the filenames of these databases are stored in Personrecord of the User in different fields, there is no lookup at these fields, but instead the files are hardcoded into the Notes API that has the problem.