Server sync of a Linux workload stuck at configuring target OS

  • 7010747
  • 06-Sep-2012
  • 10-Sep-2012


Linux (RHEL 5, SLES 9/10) source workload with SCSI disks migrated to target VM with IDE disks on XEN on SLES host


After migrating a Linux source with SCSI hard disks (for example ESXi VM) on to the fully virtualized Xen VM (Xen on SLES 10 SP2) , the target machine with IDE hard disks fails to boot with an error message similar to the following:

        fsck.ext3: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sda1


        The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filessytem.


1. Boot the target machine normally and provide (when it prompts for) the root password.

2. Run the following command to determine type of hard disk:

     ls /dev

   Listing will show for e.g. hda1, hda2, etc.

3. Remount the root filesystem (in this mode it would be mounted read only) with the following command:

    mount -n -o remount /

4. Modify the /etc/fstab file to make sure the correct devices are being used.  For example hda1 instead of sda1

5. Reboot the target machine