WARNING: CODIR: PIPE: Reset return index to 1

  • 7010678
  • 23-Aug-2012
  • 12-Sep-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux


The following messages may be seen in a novcifs log (default is /var/log/messages):

Jan  1 10:11:12 pabqsocls101 CIFS[xxxxx]: WARNING: CODIR: PIPE: reset retrievalIndex to 1
Jan  1 10:11:12 pabqsocls101 CIFS[xxxxx]: WARNING: CODIR: PIPE: Reset return index to 1


This is an indication that a named pipe session was terminated improperly and novell-cifsd cleaned up by tearing it down and reset the index to 1.

Additional Information

This can occur from an improperly coded application or something as innocuous as a workstation being powered off without exiting the application utilizing the named pipe.  For more information on communications over "pipes" -- please see the Microsoft Dev Center.

If you are experiencing repeated application issues, and see these messages, then you will want to obtain a packet trace for further analysis.  Otherwise, this messages can be treated as informational.