Gwia High Utilization

  • 7010664
  • 22-Aug-2012
  • 23-Aug-2012


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 2012


The GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA) server is in a high utilization state (100 percent CPU) and messages do not seem to be flowing and delivering.


The Gwia is in a high utilization state, it is attempting to convert an outbound message from GroupWise proprietary format into a MIME or RFC822 format or it is attempting to convert an inbound message from MIME or RFC822 format into GroupWise proprietary format. 
  1. Shut down Gwia.
  2. Browse to Gwia directory <domain directory>\wpgate\<gwia directory>.
  3. Rename folder to .old. (000.prc,defer,gwprob,send,receive,result,wpcsin & wpcsout).
  4. Launch ConsoleOne. Edit properties of Gwia object | GroupWise tab | Network address.
  5. Change Message transfer port to 0. If there is any port specified.
  6. Click Apply & close the properties of Gwia object.
  7. Restart MTA agent once for owning Gwia.
  8. Load Gwia & check the CPU Utilization.
  9. Send test mail to external account reply it back.

Additional Information

It would be a good idea to update to the latest Service Pack available for your version of GroupWise before opening a Service Request and try the message again after applying the update. Problems with converting messages are often addressed in Service Packs.