Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 2012
The GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA) server is in a high utilization state (100 percent CPU) and messages do not seem to be flowing and delivering.
The Gwia is in a high utilization state, it is attempting to convert an outbound message from GroupWise proprietary format into a MIME or RFC822 format or it is attempting to convert an inbound message from MIME or RFC822 format into GroupWise proprietary format.
Shut down Gwia.
Browse to Gwia directory <domain directory>\wpgate\<gwia directory>.
Rename folder to .old. (000.prc,defer,gwprob,send,receive,result,wpcsin & wpcsout).
Launch ConsoleOne. Edit properties of Gwia object | GroupWise tab | Network address.
Change Message transfer port to 0. If there is any port specified.
Click Apply & close the properties of Gwia object.
Restart MTA agent once for owning Gwia.
Load Gwia & check the CPU Utilization.
Send test mail to external account reply it back.
Additional Information
It would be a good idea to update to the latest Service Pack available for your version of GroupWise before opening a Service Request and try the message again after applying the update. Problems with converting messages are often addressed in Service Packs.