Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
At least two POs
External IP Address is the same for each PO with different Client/Server Port
Users from the POA that is not set for redirection are not able to login using WebAccess
Users from secondary POs not able to log in
Browser hangs at WebAccess login
Sync Status shows failed for users from the POA that is not set for redirection
Workaround Steps:
Create a new Post Office for redirection without any External Address set and use that Post Office for redirection in WebAccess or Mobility. Follow the step below to change the Redirection POA for WebAccess and Mobility
For Webaccess, please follow the steps listed in the following link to set the Redirection POA
For Mobility, please follow the steps listed below
Launch WebAdmin https://IPAddressOfMobilityServer:8120
Click groupwise (GroupWise Connector)
Change the "GroupWise POA SOAP URL" to the IP Address of the new redirection POA
Configure each PO to have a unique External address:
Launch ConsoleOne
Go to the Properties of the POA
Click GroupWise | Network Address
Specify a unique External IP Address for each PO
SOAP Redirection on POA always returns the External Address along with Internal Address
A user tries to login via WebAccess or Mobility tries to configure the user.
Login Request is sent to first PO configured in webacc.cfg under SOAP or it is sent to the Post Office configured in GroupWise connector settings.
Post Office looks up the redirection table and returns the Internal and External Address of the Post Office to which the user belongs to.
If the External Address is first, Mobility and WebAccess will try to connect to the External Address first.
When it resolves this External IP Address, the DNS gives multiple IP addresses. It will attempt the first in the list, and potentially be redirected back to the original PO, which will create a loop back to step 2.