SecureLogin makes default connection to slow ADAM server

  • 7010597
  • 09-Aug-2012
  • 16-Aug-2012


NetIQ SecureLogin
NSL7.0.3 HF2
Installed in ADAM mode


How to bypass LastSuccessfulADAMConnection
To discover and connect to an ADAM instance, NSL first attempts to conect to the last known good ADAM server stored in  the registry at  HKCU\Software\Protocom\SecureLogin\LastSuccessfulADAMConnection  (see TID 7940407).
In some cases (for example if the last ADAM connection happened to be to a slow server) connecting to the last used ADAM server may not be the most desireable behavior.  


Disable the LastSuccessfulADAMConnection setting by installing NSL7.0.3 HF2 or later and adding the following registry value:
(DWORD) IgnoreLastSuccessfulADAMConnection
1 Ignores the LastSuccessfulADAMConnection registry setting and connects to other ADAM connections in the PreferredADAMInstances and scp connection.
0 Checks the LastSuccessfulADAMConnection registry setting and first connects to the last successful ADAM connection in the PreferredADAMInstances and scp connection.

Additional Information

Note:  This registry key is not available prior to NSL7 SP3 HotFix2.