How to query Datasync for a list of users that are active

  • 7010592
  • 09-Aug-2012
  • 10-Dec-2013


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack


 A list of users that have actively connected to DataSync is required as of a specific date.


A list of users that have actively connected to DataSync as of a specific date can be generated with the following steps:
 1. In a terminal session window change directories to /var/log/datasync/connectors .

 2. Issue the following command to get a list of users that have connected as of the current mobility-AppInterface.log:
       tac default.pipeline1.mobility-AppInterface.log  | grep "Authenticating to LDAP" -i  | grep user -i  | cut -d " " -f 15 | sort | uniq
     If you wish to output the data to a file add the pipe to file option "  >filename " to the end of the command.
       a. To get a list of users from a previous log then unzip one of the previous logs by issuing " gunzip filename " this will unzip the log to the current directory.
       b. Follow the steps in step 2