Migration of service specific DNS, DHCP & LUM proxy users from OES2 SP2 to OES11 SP1

  • 7010507
  • 24-Jul-2012
  • 29-Apr-2013


Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux Support Pack 1
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell DNS
Novell DHCP
Novell LUM ( Linux User Management)


Migrating the service proxy credentials of DNS, DHCP and LUM services from Open Enterprise Server 2 Support Pack 2 (OES2 SP2) to Open Enterprise Server 11 Support Pack 1 (OES11 SP1) for a Transfer ID Migration.

Note : This is not applicable for services other than DNS, DHCP and LUM


This document should be used along with the OES to OES Migration documentation.
See  OES 11 SP1: Migration Tool Administration Guide - Service Migration as part of the general OES 11 SP1: Migration Tool Administration guide.

For a 'Transfer ID Migration' scenario, where the source server is OES2 SP2 and the destination server is OES11 SP1, the 'proxy user' migration for DNS, DHCP and LUM can be performed by running the 'migrate_services_proxy.sh'  script on the OES11 SP1 destination server.

On execution,  the  'migrate_services_proxy.sh'  script retrieves the DNS, DHCP and LUM service proxy credentials from the OES2 SP2 source server and reconfigures the services on the OES 11 SP1 destination server to use the same proxy credentials.

The DNS, DHCP and LUM binaries required to retrieve proxy credentials are not available on a OES2 SP2 server, and binaries must be downloaded separately.

The file can be obtained from the the Novell download site here.

Proceed with the following steps only if any of the services DNS, DHCP or LUM are installed on the OES 2 SP2 server.

1. Download the 'dns-dhcp-lum-proxycreds.tar.gz' file from here.
2. Copy the file to the OES2 SP2 server, and extract the binaries from the file :
  • For DHCP: Copy the 'dhcp_retrieve_proxy_cred' file to '/opt/novell/dhcpd/bin/'. 
(Note: The folder is already created when you have installed Novell DHCP on the OES2 SP2 server).
  • For DNS: Copy the 'dns_retrieve_proxy_cred' file to '/opt/novell/named/bin/'.
(Note: The folder is already created when you have installed Novell DNS on the OES2 SP2 server).
  • For LUM: Copy the 'lum_retrieve_proxy_cred' file to '/usr/bin/'.
3. Please verify the execute permissions for all the above scripts using the following command :
'chmod 500 <full_path_to_the_binary_file>'

4. On the OES11 SP1 destination server, please enable 'key based' authentication for ssh.

For enabling SSH on the server, see Section 32.2 : Enabling SSH in the Migration Procedure of the OES 11 SP1: Migration Tool Administration guide.

5. On the OES 11 SP1 destination server, execute the 'migrate_services_proxy.sh' script:

Format example :
  • cd /opt/novell/proxymgmt/bin/
  • migrate_services_proxy.sh -s <Source System IP> -d <admin_DN_in_LDAP_format> -w <Admin_Password> -i <LDAP_Server_IP> -p <Secure_LDAP_port>

For example :
  • migrate_services_proxy.sh -s -d  cn=admin,o=adminusers -w adminpassword -i -p 636

This command reconfigures the DNS, DHCP and LUM services on the OES 11 SP1 server with the proxy credentials of the OES2 SP2 server.

6. (Optional) Cleanup the OES 2 SP2 server by deleting the DNS, DHCP and LUM binaries copied in the Step 1.

Additional Information

The steps outlined above are applicable to Transfer ID migrations with OES2 SP2 source servers to OES11 SP1 destination servers, for the referenced DNS, DHCP & LUM proxy users only.

With OES2 SP3 onwards, the scripts from the referenced zip file have already been implemented along with the "Common Proxy" components, and therefor these steps do not apply to the services migration for these components on OES2 SP3 servers.