Cancelling out of Access Gateway changes without clicking OK provides UPDATE ALL prompt

  • 7010456
  • 16-Jul-2012
  • 16-Jul-2012


NetIQ Access Manager 3.1
NetIQ Access Manager 3.1 Support Pack 4 applied
Changes made to Admin Console on Linux platform but issue also exists with Windows based solution


Access Manager setup and working fine - all users can access protected resources behind the Access Gateway after authenticating to the Identity Server.
Administrator plans to make some changes to the Access Gateway setup but fails to apply any of the changes by clicking the OK button in the iManager interface. For example

1. make sure that a proxy server exists where the Web server configuration is set to forward received hostname
2. go into this web server config and select the option to forward web server hostname - add xxx to thie field
3. enable the option for DNS error mismatch
4. Select the TCP options field
5. cancel out of the TCP options field back to the Web server config field without clicking the OK button
6. cancel out of the web server config field without clicking the OK button
7. select main LAG page to see the status of the Access Gateways in the cluster and the Administrator will see an update request in there.
Since no change was actually applied, the update requests available to the Administrator is erroneous.


Select the option to 'Edit' the Access Gateway configuration and click the CANCEL button. After performing these operations, the 'UPDATE ALL' option will disappear from the UI.

If the 'UPDATE ALL' option is actually selected from the iManager interface, no changes will be performed so the impact is minimal.

The issue has been reported to development.