Can the GroupWise snapins manually installed for a Linux ConsoleOne ?

  • 7010367
  • 03-Jul-2012
  • 20-Aug-2012


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012


For whatever reason the recommended installation method for GroupWise snapins was not followed using the install script and installed only two RPMs like for instance:
NOVLc1Linuxjre-1.5.0-11.i586.rpm ... updates JRE of existing ConsoleOne
novell-groupwise-admin-12.0.0-100937.i586.rpm ... actual snapins installation
After installing these two RPM, the ConsoleOne starts fine by going into Tools | GroupWise System Operations | Select Domain, the dialog box just shuts down and you cannot connect to a domain database. 


Installation of RPMs does not include changes in the ConsoleOne script that GUI wizard does. Therefore open the script from /usr?ConsoleOne/bin and locate a section:
then copy under this statement following lines:
# GroupWise:
BINHOME=`dirname "$PRG"`
export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit