Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
You have installed a GroupWise system on OES server with NSS volume to be able to administer it using C1 from a Windows workstation and also would like to use Linux based C1 on the Linux server. In most of the cases this is not a problem. However, you will find them when dealing with UNC path format where Windows and Linux do use own syntax which is not compatible with each other.
Here are steps to follow to get it working:
On Windows workstation start ConsoleOne and connect to the primary domain via mapped drive of the OES NSS volume. It is IMPORTANT to start this process from a Windows workstation and not with Linux server !
Check properties of the primary domain object and in UNC field, use a navigation button to a location of the primary domain database file, wpdomain.db. Note at this time how the Linux server name does show here - all letters in capitals or in lowercase. For instance, \\LINUX-OES2\DATA\gw\dom despite of a fact that from Linux terminal the server name shows a name with lowercase syntax "linux-oes2".
- Move to a Linux server and start ConsoleOne fro there. First of all check Tools | GroupWise System Preferences | Linux Settings the mounting point is set to /mnt.
- Open a terminal window on the Linux server and change to the /mnt directory.
- Now create a symbolic link to the NSS volume:
ln -s /media/nss <server_name>for an example already mentioned here this would be then:ln -s /media/nss LINUX-OES2The server name shall be typed in the same way like Windows ConsoleOne displayed it in previous step - in upper or lower cases.
When you now check properties of the primary domain object from the Linux ConsoleOne, you will see a path being in a Linux format, i.e. /mnt/<server_name>/<volume>/<path_to_wpdomain.db>. From given example this is then:
/mnt/LINUX-OES2/DATA/gw/dom1which is correct path as a result of a symbolic soft link.
If you return back to the Windows ConsoleOne and check properties of the primary domain, it would list a Windows syntax which is correct for the Windows world.