Print Manager Crashes

  • 7010288
  • 09-Mar-2012
  • 06-Dec-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2


iPrint manager unloads unexpectedly
Print manager crashes
ipsmd process terminates
Requests to bind to non-existent printers eventually cause print manager to fail
Deleted printers have been removed from the "Deleted Printers" list
Printers no longer exist in the directory but that are still installed on some workstations
"Object not found" shows repeatedly in ndpsmmon.log
"Printer deleted"   shows repeatedly in ndpsmmon.log


SOLUTION 1:   for the case where "Object not found" shows  in ndpsmmon.log
1. Obtain the ndpsmmon.log from the directory /var/opt/novell/iprint/.psm/
2. Identify which non-existent printer agents are being requested by using the following command:
awk '/Error: 506D000C/,/Object Name/' ndpsmmon.log | grep Object | sort | uniq
3. Using the iPrint plugin in iManger, create new printer agents  with the names of each of the deleted printers identified in step 2 above. 
4. Delete  these newly created printer agents.
5. Look at the "deleted printers" tab and verify that these newly created and deleted printers show in the list of deleted printers. 
This will cause bind requests for these printers to be answered with "printer deleted."   When the iPrint Client on the workstations receives the "printer deleted response" it will then delete these printers from the workstation and no longer attempt to bind to them.
SOLUTION 2:   for the case where "Printer deleted" shows  in ndpsmmon.log
1. Obtain the ndpsmmon.log from the directory /var/opt/novell/iprint/.psm/
2. Identify which deleted printer agents are being requested by using the following command:
awk '/Error: 506D0037/,/Object Name/' ndpsmmon.log | grep Address | sort
3. Go to the workstation(s) indicated in the log and manually delete the problem printer(s). 
Note:  Seeing a "printer deleted" response is only a problem if it is repeated over and over by the same workstation.  This indicates that the print manager is telling the workstation to delete the printer, but that  for whatever reason the iPrint Client is not deleting the printer.  Typically this would occur on just a few workstations.  The ndpsmmon.log will show the ip address and the logged in user and the name of the problem printer.  
If either of the above problems has been discovered, Novell suggests checking the ndpsmmon.log file every few days until it no longer shows such activity.

Additional Information

The iPrint client on the workstation periodically connects to each iPrint printer installed on the workstation to verify the status of that printer.  This activity is captured in the ndpsmmon.log file.  When a printer has been deleted from the directory, the iPrint Manger adds it to its "deleted printer" list.  Subsequently, when the iPrint client requests to bind to that deleted printer, the print manager informs the iPrint client that the printer has been deleted, and the iPrint client then deletes the printer from the workstation. 

If, however, a deleted printer has been removed from the deleted printer list before it has been deleted from the workstations, the print manager will return "object not found" in response to the bind request.  These bind requests will be repeated over and over and if sent by enough workstations can eventually bring down a print manager

The iPrint Information Gathering Tool can be used to collect information regarding the print environment, including all log files.