Warning: FileSkipped during File-Based Migrations and Replications

  • 7010272
  • 07-Mar-2012
  • 27-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Forge
PlateSpin Migrate
PlateSpin Protect


When running a File-Based migration or replication, a warning message stating that a file has been skipped may be seen.  In the job diagnostic, the warning may appear similar to the following:

Type            Warning
ReportCode      FileSkipped
KB Link       
FileName        Documents and Settings\tfeeney\Application Data\Microsoft\CLR Security Config\v2.0.50727.42\security.config.cch.6312.3896484


This warning can typically be safely ignored

Additional Information

.CCH files, such as the one referenced in the above warning, are dynamically generated and do not need to be backed up or restored.  Furthermore, these files are generally in use when they exist.  Other file types may be skipped due to members of the Administrators group not having sufficient priveleges to access the file at the time or if the file is locked; this happens most often when Anti Virus software is running a scan at the time a migration or replication is being run.