Job configuration can't start - Source fails validation stating that .NET Framework 2.0 is not installed

  • 7010250
  • 05-Mar-2012
  • 27-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Migrate 9.1 +
Source Workload is Microsoft Windows 2000 or later


When attempting to configure a Copy or Move Workload job, the Source fails validation stating that .NET Framework 2.0 is not installed.  Checking properties of the source in the Migrate client shows that .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 is installed, but has no size value.


1. Right-click on the source workload and select Export
2. Open the newly exported machine.XML file with notepad
3. Locate the following block of data:

          <machines:displayName>Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2</machines:displayName>

Note: the version may be 2.2.30729 instead of 2.3.30730.

4. Modify the size value from -1817197568 to 316404736 and save the changes
5. In the Migrate client go to File -> Import Machines
6. Select the modified machine.XML file
7. When asked to overwrite or update the existing machine information, click Yes

Now the source should pass the original validation and allow for job configuration to continue.