Why doesn't Kanaka stay running on my server?

  • 7010046
  • 23-Jan-2012
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux
Novell Kanaka for Mac 2.6
Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux


Kanaka was installed on two servers and pointed to the same proxy user: KanakaProxy.Utility.MyOrg.  Around midnight, the second server had ran just fine however the first server showed the following in /var/opt/novell/kanaka/engine/log/novell-kanakaengined.log:
01 2012-02-22 23:59:58 -21600 5 0007 5811 4800f940 Index Manager [ST]:  Time to Rebuild User Index.
01 2012-02-22 23:59:58 -21600 5 0007 5811 4800f940 Index Manager [ST]:  Next User Index Rebuild will happen in 2 seconds.
01 2012-02-22 23:59:58 -21600 2 0007 5811 4f01d940 Index Manager [WT] #1: Failed to Search for objects in DS, Result = 166.
01 2012-02-22 23:59:59 -21600 2 0007 5811 4b015940 Index Manager [WT] #2: Failed to Search for objects in DS, Result = 166.
01 2012-02-22 23:59:59 -21600 2 0007 5811 5682c940 Index Manager: User Index Rebuild is Complete, Final Result = 166.

(note: the above log is in DEBUG mode).  Additionally, it was found that:
  • rcnovell-kanakaengined restart|start would start the Kanaka engine but the engine would only run for a few seconds and then display a status of "unused"
  • in checking the KanakaProxy object in iManager, there was an intruder attempt from the first installed server when rcnovell-kanakaengined start was attempted on the first server.


The easiest way to change the proxy user is to reconfigure with the following steps:

  1. stop Kanaka (rcnovell-kanakaengined stop)
  2. move or remove the configuration file, /etc/opt/novell/kanaka/engine/config/kanaka.conf
  3. run novell-kanakaengine-config and follow the steps
  4. after Kanaka is running, go through the web page (https://<server_or_ip>:3089 - by default) to finish configuration; remembering to use a unique KanakaProxy user object.
  5. restart Kanaka

Additional Information

The proxy user needs to be unique for each server Novell Kanaka for Mac is installed upon.  The install wizard indicates that Select a context in which the Kanaka Proxy will be created.  If there is an existing object by the specified name it will be reprovisioned. :