Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 3 - 10.3
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 3 - 10.3
Launching CASA Manager, get the message "The GTK# runtime library is
needed to run CASA Manager. Do you want to install it
Clicking on "OK" loads a browser with the URL https://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?gtks-inst4win but the server cannot be found
Clicking on "OK" loads a browser with the URL https://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?gtks-inst4win but the server cannot be found
For ZCM 11: This is fixed in version 11.1 - see TID 7008746"ZENworks Configuration Management 11.1 - update information and
list of fixes" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
For ZCM 10.x: This is fixed in version 10.3.4 - see TID 7008244"ZENworks Configuration Management 10.3.4 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
For ZCM 10.x: This is fixed in version 10.3.4 - see TID 7008244"ZENworks Configuration Management 10.3.4 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
Additional Information
The new location of the file is https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/casa-auth/gtksharp-runtime-2.8.3-win32-0.0.exe