A workload appears on the Workloads page after being removed

  • 7009955
  • 05-Jan-2012
  • 26-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Forge
PlateSpin Protect


After a workload is removed it may still appear on the Workloads page.  Further attempts to remove the workload via the web UI fail.


The steps below assume the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Studio is installed.  If it is not, install it before proceeding:
1. Open the SQL Management Studio
2. Connect to the appropriate database instance using Windows credentials.  In a default installation of Protect or in a Forge unit the database instance will look like this:
Where %MACHINENAME% is either the hostname of the PlateSpin Protect server or the PlateSpin Forge Management VM

3. Expand Databases
4. Expand the following database:

For Protect 10.1 and Forge 3.1: protection
For Protect 10.0 - 10.0.2 and Forge 3.0 - 3.0.2: portabilitysuite

5. Expand Tables
6. Right-click on the Workloads table and select Open Table
7. Using the DiscoverySourceAddress column locate the machine that should no longer appear in the Workloads page
8. Copy the data in the "Id" column for the select machine
9. Right-click on the Workloads table; hover over Script Table as -> DELETE To and select New Query Editor Window
10. Execute the following query:

DELETE FROM protection.dbo.Workloads WHERE Id = 'paste the data from step 8'