Novell Vibe OnPrem 3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
You have imported few files in a File folder within a workspace. Some of them do have VIEW option available and some not.
This is working as designed. The Vibe comes with a default set of application / file extensions that are detected and then if there is a match, the VIEW option gets displayed.
However, there is a way how to add more application types in your Vibe configuration. Here we describe a way how to include PDF files to have this option listed:
- On your Linux server go into /opt/novell/teaming/apache-tomcat/webapps/ssf/WEB-INF/classes/config directory.
- Open the ssf.properties file by a text editor. Find a section that has view-as-html. There are two sections bellow:
- view.as.html.file.stellent.extensions=.123,.bmp,.db,.doc,.docx,.dotm,.drw,.dxf,.lwp,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.pct,.ppt,.pptx,.prz,.qpw,.rtf,.sdw,.shw,.sxw,.tif,.txt,.vsd,.wpd,.xls,.xlsx,.sxi
- view.file.directly=image/,text/,audio/,video/
- Copy these two lines in a clipboard and open ssf.-ext.properties file. Make close to the end some remark about and paste them in the file.
- You will need to edit these lines to add a support for the PDF files. In the end of view.as.html.file.stellent.extensions add .pdf, so it looks now like:
- view.as.html.file.stellent.extensions=.123,.bmp,.db,.doc,.docx,.dotm,.drw,.dxf,.lwp,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.pct,.ppt,.pptx,.prz,.qpw,.rtf,.sdw,.shw,.sxw,.tif,.txt,.vsd,.wpd,.xls,.xlsx,.sxi,.pdf
- And and application/pdf statement in view.file.directly so it looks like:
- view.file.directly=image/,text/,audio/,video/,application/pdf
- Save the file and restart Vibe services.
- After you re-login in your Vibe account, then you shall see VIEW option available for your PDF imported documents.