Copying a Mirrored folder in Teaming/Vibe results in data-corruption

  • 7009890
  • 13-Dec-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Vibe 3.2
Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1
Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.0
Novell Teaming 2.x


Copying a mirrored file folder in Novell Vibe (ver 2.x through ver 3.2) to another location within Vibe using the 'Copy Folder' or 'Copy Workspace' operation may result in data-corruption on the source mirrored file-system.


1. Update your existing Novell Teaming 2.x site to Novell Vibe 3.2 following the update documentation located here.
2. Download and apply the Novell Vibe 3.2 Hot Patch 1 from the Novell Download Site (instructions provided with the patch).

Note: This patch is provided as single JAR file which should be applied to an existing Vibe 3.2 installation.

If you need help or have questions about this Hot Patch, please contact Novell Technical Support.

Additional Information

With the patch applied, copying of mirrored folders will be blocked to prevent data-corruption in source contents of the mirrored folder. Copying of mirrored folders will be supported and implemented in future versions of Novell Vibe.