When starting the GroupWise client, the user receives an error "Unable to connect to server http://<vibe_server>..."

  • 7009752
  • 16-Nov-2011
  • 29-Apr-2013


Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 2
Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 3
Novell Vibe OnPrem 3


The user has "Teaming Integration" enabled by the administrator of the GroupWise system via the client options settings in ConoleOne.  The customer uses a proxy with authentication for HTTP access.
When GroupWise starts, the client cannot connect to the Vibe server.  There is a pop-up with the error message "Unable to connect to server http://<vibe_server>..."  After hitting "OK", Vibe cannot be accessed from the GroupWise client.


In this particular case the proxy configuration was not set up correctly.  The proxy required authentication for URLs outside the customer's LAN.  For sites inside the LAN, there was a proxy configuration script with exceptions.  The Vibe server was not in the proxy exception list.  A LAN trace revealed that the proxy server replied to the HTTP request and expected authentication.  This was not visible to the user in front of the GroupWise client.  After adding the Vibe server to the proxy exception list, everything worked fine.