Cannot launch bundles from NAL window in a multi-display system that's not side-by-side

  • 7009742
  • 15-Nov-2011
  • 13-Jan-2014


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management Support Pack 1 - ZCM 11 SP1 Bundles
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2 Bundles


Windows 7 allows for multiple displays to be set in orientations other than side-by-side, for example one above the other.

In this orientation, if the NAL window is moved to the "upper" display, it does not register mouse clicks (left or right), so the only way to launch a bundle is to use the keyboard


In the computer's display settings, move additional monitors to be to the right or below the main monitor.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

If the two displays are not aligned, for example

then if the NAL window extends into the area above and to the right of the main window, any icons in that area are affected also.
Any additional monitor where NAL needs to open has to be configured on the right side of the main monitor or below the main monitor.
The issue is duplicated if any of the monitors is configured to be placed either on top or on the left side of the main monitor in any way and then the NAL window is open on such section of the monitor.