Error: The flags specified in the schema file do not match the flags of the existing attribute (on CIFS)

  • 7009705
  • 07-Nov-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3


When verifying that the schema was properly extended via ndssch -h host user.context /opt/novell/cifs/nfap.sch the following would be seen in the log file (default: schema.log):

#### Start: Monday October 31 2011 15:59:36 ####
Extending schema on the server instance

Starting schema update for: nfap.sch...
Schema attribute nfapCIFSServerName already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSComment already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSWorkGroup already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSPDCName already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSAuthent already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSDialect already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSDebug already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSUnicode already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSOpLocks already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSAsync already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSWalk already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSPDCAddr already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSWINSAddr already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSAttach already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSNDSUserContext already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSUserContext already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSShares already exists and is identical.
The flags specified in the schema file do not match the flags of the existing attribute
Unable to add schema attribute nfapCIFSDFS.
The flags specified in the schema file do not match the flags of the existing attribute
Unable to add schema attribute nfapCIFSLoginScripts.
Schema attribute nfapLoginScript already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSRID already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSNextRID already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSDomainSID already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSPDC already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSDCList already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSDCGroup already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSDomainEpoch already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSShareVolsByDefault already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSDomainDN already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSBeginRID already exists and is identical.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSEndRID already exists and is identical.
The flags specified in the schema file do not match the flags of the existing attribute
Unable to add schema attribute nfapCIFSPDCEnable.
Schema attribute nfapCIFSSignatures already exists and is identical.
Schema class nfapCIFSConfigInfo already exist and is identical.
Schema class nfapLoginProperties already exist and is identical.
Schema class nfapCIFSDomainProperties already exist and is identical.


The issue has been reported to development.  To verify the non-identical attributes are correct:

  • go into iMonitor (http://ip_or_dns_of_MasterOfRoot:8028)
  • browse down schema->attribute definitions and look for the 3, non-identical attributes
  • verify that the attributes have the flags of:
    • single-value
    • immediate sync
  • verify that the syntax is BOOLEAN
If all 3 verify properly, your schema should be fine and you will want to verify that your schema has synchronized to your server.  (To verify, do the same steps above except replace ip_or_dns_of_MasterOfRoot with the CIFS server's ip address or dns name).

Additional Information

This has been reported to Novell Engineering.