Authentication failure

  • 7009700
  • 07-Nov-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management Support Pack 1 - ZCM 11 SP1


Rights problem on Linux primary, agents fail to login.
ERROR (from casaauthtoken.log):
[254-1E8] [11:57:57] CASA_AuthToken -ObtainAuthTokenFromServer- Failed to create GetAuthTokenResp object, error = C7FF001B
ERROR (from zmd-messages.log):
[DEBUG] [11/03/2011 11:31:59.890] [596] [ZenworksWindowsService] [30] [] [CommonCasa] [] [ObtainAuthToken took exception: -939589605 System.Exception: -939589605
ERROR (from ats.log):
2011-11-03 11:57:57,286 WARN authtoksvc.PwdAuthenticate invoke()- NamingException: [LDAP: error code 34 - Invalid DN Syntax]Exception occured while adding connector specified at [XPath: /bci:realms/bci:realm[@id='TREE']]
2011-11-03 11:57:57,568 WARN authtoksvc.SecureTokenUtil valid()- Referenced certificate not found
2011-11-03 11:57:57,568 WARN authtoksvc.SessionToken Constructor(String)- Invalid Session Token


Confirm ownership/rights on the file /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/security/trusted-ats-jks-keystore .  In this case it had been set to root.
In 11.1 the ownership is zenworks zmanusers .  Note: can be used to set ownership of ZENworks files on Linux.