Unable to add some users using LDAP Group

  • 7009679
  • 01-Nov-2011
  • 10-Dec-2013


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack


Unable to add some users using LDAP Group
Some users do not get added to the connectors using LDAP Group
Users do not get added automatically


Users added to the LDAP Group takes some time to sync. By default every 30 minutes (1800 Seconds) and this can be changed in the "Manage Global Settings" in Web Admin OR an LDAP poll can be forced by following the steps listed below
  1. Launch a browser and go to Mobility WebAdmin (https://IPAddressOfMobilityServer:8120)
  2. Login to the WebAdmin and click Config Global Settings on the top right
  3. Scroll to the bottom and change the LDAP Group Membership Polling Rate (in seconds)
    Click Poll LDAP Now to force the LDAP Poll
If it still does not work, please make sure that the LDAP server being used has the proper information. Please follow the steps listed below
  1. Note down the LDAP Server being used in Mobility WebAdmin | Config Global Settings and the Port and if it secure or not secured
  2. Note down the LDAP Admin Full DN in Mobility WebAdmin | Config Global Settings
  3. Launch a Terminal Session on the Mobility Server and type the command in the following format
    ldapsearch -x -h mymobile.lab.novell.com -p 389 -D cn=admin,o=my -w password -b cn=mobility2,o=my | grep "member:" -i
    ldapsearch -x -h mymobile.lab.novell.com -p 636 -D cn=admin,o=my -w password -b cn=mobility2,o=my | grep "member:" -i

    Replace mymobile.lab.novell.com with the LDAP Server noted in step 1
    Replace cn=admin,o=my with the LDAP Admin Full DN noted in step 2
    Replace password with the password of the Admin user
    Replace cn=mobility2,o=my with the group DN
  4. Check if the problem user is seen in the output. If not try to switch to a different LDAP server
  5. If it works with a different LDAP Server, then type in the IP Address or DNS name of a working LDAP server in Mobility WebAdmin | Config Global Settings

There is a possibility that the LDAP server being used does not have the proper information because of Time Sync issues