BSCM job produces error message: com.mosol.configstore.ConfigException: Optimistic transaction lock ..

  • 7009659
  • 27-Oct-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Operations Center 4.7, 5.0


While a Business Service Configuration Manager (BSCM) job is running the following error message appears in the formula.trc file:
WARN Server.BSCM - An unexpected exception occurred while generating views for "element name having BSCM job run appears here.".  The error was: com.mosol.configstore.ConfigException: Optimistic transaction lock for object #264545 failed, type = com.mosol.configstore.impl.jdo.EntryImpl
com.mosol.configstore.ConfigException: Optimistic transaction lock for object #264545 failed, type = com.mosol.configstore.impl.jdo.EntryImpl
When you login to the Novell Operations Center webstart client and inspect the service model you will find that the Service Model has not been successfully and completely built. 
Root Cause:
This can happen because more than one BSCM job is running on the NOC server at the same time. 
Running two BSCM jobs at the same time can cause optimistic lock failures.
BSCM jobs are optimized for speed and presume they are the only jobs changing service model's configuration.
If two BSCM jobs modify the same service model, lock failures can occurs. Falling back to a well know state is impossible at this time due to the various complex steps a BSCM can take and as a result the configstore database could possibly be corrupted.


What to do if this message is seen:
It is recommended that you run BSCM jobs in serial to avoid these issues. If you cannot run the jobs in serial, then make sure they don't overlap in the service models or adapter elements they use.  Two BSCM jobs running in parallel should not have the same structures or sources, however this is not a guarantee that the jobs will run without error.



Reported to Engineering