Address Resolution Change Since GroupWise 6

  • 7009630
  • 25-Oct-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 6
Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 8


In GroupWise 6 and it's Support Packs, there was a problem with the address format used for sending to distribution lists and resources if you set Internet addressing to one of the following formats (which are not appropriate for distribution lists and resources):
first name.last name@Internet domain
last name.first name@Internet domain
Messages to distribution lists and resources are initially undeliverable and were sent to the Internet Agent.  The Internet Agent then successfully resolved the addresses and sent he messages back into the GroupWise system.  Users did no notice the problem, but some administrators noticed unnecessary traffic through the Internet Agent.


In GroupWise 6.5, the address format problem for sending to distribution lists and resources was corrected.  However, users who originally used GroupWise 6 have the erroneous address format for distribution lists and resources in the Frequent Contacts address books.  If you are updating from GroupWise 6 to GroupWise 8 and unnecessary traffic through the Internet Agent is a continuing problem, have users delete distribution lists and resources from their Frequent Contacts address book so that the correct address format is used for name completion in the future.