File Cache / File Commit settings ignored on Windows XP after applying GW802HP3

  • 7009622
  • 24-Oct-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 3
Windows XP


With the upgrade to HP3, ConsoleOne is no longer honoring the File Cache or File Commit settings of the Novell Client on Windows XP workstations.  The warning is once again displayed:
"GroupWise Administrator:  To avoid problems with database integrity, please disable File Caching and enable File Commit in the Novell Client settings"


To fix this issue with the new Windows 7/Vista/2008 registry keys the check was put in incorrectly so that it no longer checked for the keys on a Windows XP workstation.  This has been fixed in a new gwdaj2.dll.  This file can be downloaded from the Novell Download Page