Install of secondary admin console fails

  • 7009460
  • 30-Sep-2011
  • 18-Sep-2012


Novell Access Management 3.1
Novell Access Management 3.1 Support Pack 3 IR2 applied.
Novell Access Manager 3.1 Access Administration


Customer kept on failing to install the secondary admin console.
The errors seen in the install logs where the following:
Configuring SAS service... Failed to configure SAS service: unknown error -1266 (fffffb0e hex) err=-1266 

Configuring Novell iManager:
hostname: Unknown host
hostname: Unknown host
com.novell.nids.certmgr.DirCertException: Error: PKI_E_BAD_REQUEST_SYNTAX, Error: -1214
 at com.novell.nids.certmgr.DirCerts.B(Unknown Source)
 at com.novell.nids.certmgr.DirCerts.createCert(Unknown Source)
 at com.novell.nids.certmgr.DirCerts.createCert(Unknown Source)
 at com.novell.nids.install.MakeCertInKeystore.createCert(
 at com.novell.nids.install.MakeCertInKeystore.main(
We are not in DHost. pid = -1208879492
Error creating key tomcat. Exiting makecert.


Make sure DNS resolving is setup correctly, failure to resolve the hostname will break the secondary admin console install.
Once corrected the install worked fine.