How to run manual maintenance on Datasync and Mobility databases

  • 7009453
  • 29-Sep-2011
  • 18-Dec-2015


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Novell Groupwise Mobility Service
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11


How to run manual maintenance tasks on Datasync and Mobility databases.
Performance issues with Mobility


It is recommended to run through these steps at least every 6 months. For manual steps of this operation, see the Additional Information section below.

Follow these steps to perform postgresql manual maintenance using the dsapp utility:
  1. See TID 7015282  - How to install dsapp on a Mobility server.
    Note: Once dsapp is installed, proceed with the steps below.
  2. Perform the vacuum and re-index:
    • (Option 1) Launch dsapp, select Database | y to stop Mobility services | Vacuum Databases, then Re-Index Databases
    • (Option 2) From a terminal window: dsapp -v -i

To automate this procedure every 6 months with crontab:

  1. From a terminal window: crontab -e
  2. Append the following line, then Save and Close the file:
    0 22 * 6,12 FRI [ `date +\%d` -le 7 ] && /opt/novell/datasync/tools/dsapp/ -v -i
    Note: This will schedule dsapp to run a postgresql vacuum and reindex on the first Friday of every 6 months starting at 10:00 PM.

Additional Information

See below for manual steps:
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack 1.X

To run vacuumdb:
  1. Open a terminal window for the Datasync server and type rcdatasync stop to stop all the datasync services.
  2. Type the following command
    vacuumdb -U datasync_user -d datasync --full -v
  3. Enter password for the datasync database. If the database password is not known, please check /etc/datasync/configengine/configengine.xml file as the password is stored in plaintext in the following format
  4. After the vacuumdb is completed, type the following command
    vacuumdb -U datasync_user -d mobility --full -v
  5. Enter password for the datasync database when prompted.
  6. After the vacuumdb is complete, type rcdatasync start to start all the datasync services.
To run reindexing:
  1. Open a terminal window for the Datasync server and type rcdatasync stop to stop all the datasync services.
  2. Type the following command 
    psql -U datasync_user datasync
  3. Enter password for the datasync database. If the database password is not known, please check /etc/datasync/configengine/configengine.xml file as the password is stored in plaintext in the following format
  4. Type the following command
    reindex database datasync;
  5. After the reindexing is completed, type the command \c mobility to change to the mobility database.
  6. Type the following command
    reindex database mobility;
  7. Exit by typing \q
  8. Type rcdatasync start to start all the datasync services.

Novell Groupwise Mobility Service 2.X

To run vacuumdb:
  1. Open a terminal window for the GMS server and type rcgms stop to stop all the gms services.
  2. Type the following command
    vacuumdb -U datasync_user -d datasync --full -v
  3. Enter password for the datasync database.
  4. After the vacuumdb is completed, type the following command
    vacuumdb -U datasync_user -d mobility --full -v
  5. Enter password for the datasync database when prompted.
  6. After the vacuumdb is complete, type rcgms start to start all the gms services.
To run reindexing:
  1. Open a terminal window for the GMS server and type rcgms stop to stop all the gms services.
  2. Type the following command  
    psql -U datasync_user datasync
  3. Enter password for the datasync database.
  4. Type the following command 
    reindex database datasync;
  5. After the reindexing is completed, type the command \c mobility to change to the mobility database.
  6. Type the following command 
    reindex database mobility;
  7. Exit by typing \q
  8. Type rcgms start to start all the gms services.